Rail: Linear Axis (1.0M)

Brooks/Precise Automation for PF400 Sample Handler Rail: Linear Axis (1.0M)

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Model No: PF0X-MA-00000-10

Product ID: MPH-PF400-Rail1M

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New or Certified Pre-Owned - Precise Automation Linear Axis Rail for PF400 (1.0M stroke)

The Precise Automation Linear Rail extends the envelope of any model of the Precise Automation PF400 or PF3400 Sample Handler by adding an additional axis for increased X-dimension.

• Reach additional peripheral devices and sample storage.

• Fully integrated with the robotic controller.

• Robot interface cables are routed internally in the Rail.

• Repeatability: +/- 50 μm

• Maximum Speed: 700 mm/sec

• Dimensions: 1.0 M travel version (1.37M long x 0.23M deep x 0.12M high)

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